This cross sectional descriptive study was conducted to evaluate the status of x-ray machine in Benin City. Questionnaires were distributed and analysed using descriptive statistics. The results show that 82.6% of the x- ray machines were fixed and17.4% mobile. 91.3% were conventional x-ray machines, only 21.7% usedcomputedradiography. 30.4% of respondents had no idea about their x-ray equipment manufacture date. Installation dates given, show all x-ray machines were installed under 12 years ago.82.6% of respondents had equipment servicing agents while 13% had none. 26.1% of respondents gave a specific machine servicing schedule for their facilities.39.1% of respondents had a designated Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)at their facility. 47.8% had none.39.1% of respondents reported that they had Medical Physicists attached to their facility, 56.5% reported that they did not. The result of the study indicated that most of the x-ray machines used in radiological facilities in the city, were not under safety control.
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