Background The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of respiratory health problems, lung function and correlates among rice mill workers. Materials and Methods A cross sectional study was carried out among 150 workers consecutively recruited at the Abakaliki Rice Mill industry, Nigeria. Lung functions were measured using spirometer. Data were analysed using Epi-Info version 3.5.3. Results The commonest respiratory symptoms among rice mill workers were rhinitis 65 (43.3%) and blocked nostrils 62 (41.3%). Less than half of the participants 61 (40.7%) had abnormal lung function pattern, 45 (30.0%) had a restrictive lung function pattern, 13 (8.7%) had obstructive lung pattern and only 3 (2.0%) had a combined lung pattern. Conclusions There is a high prevalence of respiratory symptoms and abnormal lung function patterns, mostly restrictive. There is need for education on dust control and enforcement on use of personal protective equipment among rice mill workers.
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